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ইংরেজি সাহিত্য বিষয়ক আলোচনা
Percy Shelley-The Romantic Period: 1750-1837 Ode to the West Wind
John Keats-The Romantic Period: 1750-1837 Ode to a Grecian Urn
Alfred, Lord Tennyson-The Victorian Age: 1837-1901 Crossing the Bar and “Ulysses
Elizabeth Barrett Browning-The Victorian Age: 1837-1901 Sonnet 43
Robert Browning-The Victorian Age: 1837-1901 My Last Duchess
Matthew Arnold-The Victorian Age: 1837-1901 Dover Beach
Charles Dickens-The Victorian Age: 1837-1901 Oliver Twist
A.E. Housman-The Victorian Age: 1837-1901 T o an Athlete Dying Young,, When I was One-and-Twenty
Thomas Hardy-The Victorian Age: 1837-1901 The Darkling Thrush, The Man He Killed, Ah, Are You Digging on My Grave?
George Orwell-The Modern Age: 1901-1950 1984, Shooting an Elephant
Katherine Mansfield-The Modern Age: 1901-1950 A Cup of Tea
William Butler Yeats-The Modern Age: 1901-1950 S ailing to Byzantium, The Second Coming
D.H. Lawrence-The Modern Age: 1901-1950 The Rockinghorse Winner
Winston Churchill-The Modern Age: 1901-1950 Be Ye Men of Valor
Dylan Thomas-The Modern Age: 1901-1950 Do Not Go Gentle into That Good Night
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